Quality Hydraulic Services Design is 100% indigenous owned and managed dedicated plumbing and wet fire services design consultancy. We specialise in industrial, commercial, and residential developments, operating since 2014 in Perth, Western Australia (WA).
Quality Hydraulic Services Design is a plumbing services design consultancy, specialising in both commercial and industrial hydraulic solutions in Perth. We cater to a large client base including developers, builders, architects and plumbing companies to ensure all your plumbing needs are accommodated for. From drainage systems to gas services, domestic water services to fire hydrant and fire hose reel systems, we work closely with our clients to ensure complete satisfaction.
We are the Perth experts in design and construct arrangements across the Plumbing and Wet Fire Services Design. Our client base in Perth includes developers, builders, architects, and plumbing contractors. Our project review processes ensure our hydraulic designs are the best solution for every project and all aspects of design are compliant, complete, and coordinated with other services.
We develop close professional relationships with our clients to exceed their expectations. Through thorough coordination and attention to detail, we mitigate project variations and scope gaps. Our dedicated project engineers will stay on the project from concept to completion.
About Us

Ben Edwards
Ben Edwards is the Company Director. Ben has over 25 years’ experience in designing hydraulic and fire service systems. Ben has worked in Australia and internationally in London, Doha and Europe.
Ben is a licensed plumber and gas fitter and has completed formal qualification with a Diploma in Hydraulic Services Design. The Diploma in Hydraulic Services Design is the highest Hydraulic Services qualification available in Australia. This qualification allows Ben to design and certify hydraulic services designs in all Australian states. He is one of a select few Hydraulic Consultants in Western Australia with this qualification.
Quality Hydraulics is a client centric company. Our dedicated project engineers remain on the project from concept to completion. We believe our clients are the reason for our business and are not an interruption to us. We are always accessible by phone, email or in person to meet our clients’ needs.
We are thorough in our services design and services coordination eliminating project variations and scope gaps. We achieve this by:
• Overlaying mechanical, civil and structural layouts on drawings,
• Completing 2D hydraulic drawings in full colour,
• Hydraulic electrical loads are shown on our drawings,
• Infrastructure services are shown on drawings.
Quality Hydraulics Services
Scope of Quality Hydraulic Services Design
Our hydraulic design scope includes:
- Hydraulic Service Performance Solutions
- Property sewer drain designs
- Sanitary drainage
- Water Corporation sewer extensions
- Water Corporation water main extensions
- Stormwater drainage systems
- Trade waste and trade waste treatment plant
- Roof gutter and rain water pipe design
- In ground stormwater drainage systems
- Condensate drains
- Domestic heated and cold-water services
- Domestic heated water plant and temperature control valves
- Water metering systems
- Back flow valve trains
- Wet fire systems including fire pumps, fire hydrant, fire boosters and fire tanks and pumps
- Fire sprinklers and drainage
- Flow and pressure tests
- LPG and Natural gas services
- Bulk LPG bullets
- Gas meters
- Hydraulic service project budgets.
Other services we offer include:
• Development of performance solutions
• Construction assistance
• Pre purchase and end of lease inspections
• Feasibility studies
• Design peer reviews
• Tender Reviews
• Expert witness
Performance Solutions
Quality Hydraulics specializes in designing hydraulic services performance solutions. We have successfully designed and implemented hydraulic services performance solutions for several buildings in WA. To develop a performance solution, we use international hydraulic standards including:
- Din 2988-300: 2012
To calculate probable simultaneous domestic water demands. The Din standard provides a more accurate water service flow rate to satisfy standard AS/NZS 3500.1. Savings provided by a domestic water performance solution can be in excess of $100,000.00.
- BSEN 12056 Gravity Drainage Systems
To calculate sewer, drain discharge flow rates. These international standards provide an accurate reflection of real flows of drainage systems and can save on expensive upgrades to sewer infrastructure services.
Other Projects Completed by Category
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National Construction Code 2022 Adoption of the National Construction Code 2022
Quality Hydraulic Services Design is distributing this information to all related stakeholders in plumbing and building industries. It covers the changes occurring with the adoption of the National Construction Code 2022 (NCC). The 2022 edition of the NCC was published by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) on 1 October 2022.
NCC Volume 3, the Plumbing Code of Australia
The first part of the bulletin will cover the adoption of volume 3, the Plumbing Code of Australia 2022 (PCA) and how the changes to current plumbing regulations, PCA and standards will directly affect the design and installation practices of plumbing systems in WA. The Plumbers Licensing and Plumbing Standards Regulations 2000 (Plumbing Regulations) have been amended to align with the latest version of the PCA which takes effect on 1 May 2023.
Regulation 48 of the Plumbing Regulations adopts the PCA as the plumbing standards that apply in WA. The PCA 2022, schedule 2 calls up the 2021 version of the AS/NZS 3500 Plumbing and drainage series also taking effect on 1 May 2023. AS/NZS 3500:2021, parts 1, 2 and 4 will replace the 2018 versions of these standards and part 0 the 2003 version. Regulation 49 of the Plumbing Regulations modifies certain deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions in the PCA 2022 and referenced DTS standards, AS/NZS 3500:2021 to ensure continued compatibility with WA specific conditions.
Regulation 49 of the Plumbing Regulations has been amended to:
- modify AS/NZS 3500.2:2021, clause 4.5.3 to allow reflux valves in drainage plumbing systems to be installed upstream of a boundary trap. This provides a practical installation solution, when a reflux valve is required and a boundary trap is already in place as part of the water service provider’s infrastructure, for example the Water Corporation.
- modify AS/NZS 3500.2:2021, clause 6.5.1 to require fixture traps buried in the ground or embedded in concrete below sanitary fixtures, to not be of a larger diameter than the fixture outlet itself. This avoids oversized traps being embedded under a fixture. Oversized fixture traps are not self-cleansing, nor easily maintained when installed in an inaccessible location such as under a bath or shower, see diagram 1.
PCA 2022 main changes
The PCA 2022 has new DTS provisions and others added that have been removed from AS/NZS 3500 Plumbing and drainage series including:
- Mandatory WELS ratings on applicable products connected to water supply systems.
- Mandatory provisions for plumbing systems in bushfire prone areas, for example water pipes above ground level must be metallic.
- Cross-connection hazard ratings have been relocated to Part B5 including a verification method that can be used to assess the hazard rating of new and innovative product in plumbing systems.
- Cross-connection hazards have been relocated from Part B5 to a new specification 41 that the backflow provisions for bidets and bidet douche seats removed form AS/NZS 3500.1:2021.
- New temperature control requirements when a water heater is replaced or relocated however this provision will be delayed in WA until 2024 by the Plumbing Regulations.
For more information on the application and format of the PCA 2022 see the Plumbers Licensing Board’s technical note: the Plumbing Code of Australia from this link.

Diagram 1
AS/NZS 3500:2021 main changes
AS/NZS 3500:2021, parts 1, 2 and 4 will replace the 2018 versions of these standards and part 0 the 2003 version. AS/NZS 3500:2021 commencing on 1 May 2023 includes the following changes that should be considered:
Junctions in sanitary and drainage plumbing systems
New clauses and have been inserted into AS/NZS 3500.2:2021, requiring all junctions in sanitary and drainage plumbing systems used to connect DN 100 drains to each other on grade to be elevated at a minimum incline of 15 degrees.
These provisions are for new installations only and have been inserted to compensate for the reduction in flows in sanitary and drainage plumbing systems. Consideration will need to be given to ensure there is adequate height allowance in building design, to cater for the increased vertical height that will be required for sanitary and drainage plumbing systems, see diagram 1.
Diagram 1: Additional vertical space may be required for sanitary plumbing pipes and the requirements for fixture connections in slab on ground construction.
NCC Volumes 1 and 2 of the Building Codes of Australia transitional arrangements
While the NCC 2022 is adopted on 1 May 2023 it is now available for voluntary use, including for energy efficiency and livable housing provisions. Volume 1, covers Class 2 to 9 buildings and volume 2, Class 1 and 10 buildings.
There are however transitional arrangements that apply and it is expected volume 1 will become mandatory in WA on 1 May 2024 and allow voluntarily compliance with the NCC 2022 or continued use of NCC 2019 Amendment 1 until 30 April 2024.
For more information on the transition to the BCA visit the Building and Energy web page from this link.
NCC main change;
Volume 1, F2D4 Floor wastes
(1) In a Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part of a building, a bathroom or
laundry located at any level above a sole-occupancy unit or public space must have a floor waste.
(2) Where a floor waste is installed—
(a) the minimum continuous fall of a floor plane to the waste must be 1:80; and
(b) the maximum continuous fall of a floor plane to the waste must be 1:50.
Backflow provisions for back siphonage
Air gaps and atmospheric vacuum breakers will be suitable for protection against a high hazard where subject to back siphonage only, for example as integral devices in bidet douche seats.
Labelling of pipework
Additional information has been inserted to the requirements for the marking of pipes in commercial buildings to assist in the better identification of pipework and avoid cross connections.
Pipes in metal framed walls
Installation of water services in metal-framed walls have been changed to bring the provisions in line with those of the National Association of Steel-framed Housing.
Air admittance valves
Additions have been made to this clause for air admittance valves (AAV) for clarification and to update requirements, in particular the following provisions:
(a) AAVs cannot be used on low level vents serving boundary traps.
(b) AAVs are now able to be installed up to 1 m below the flood level of the lowest fixture connected to a common discharge pipe.
Drains in unstable soils:
New appendix provides guidance on the requirements of AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings, containing information about installing drains for Class 1 buildings on unstable soils types.
Get in touch
PO BOX 4177
Wembley WA 6913
Ph: 0430 983006